Our Response to the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic is having a great impact all across the world. In these unprecedented times, first and foremost, Xindea is focused on protecting the safety and health of the employees, clients and the people in the communities where we live and work.

To secure these objectives, we have closely followed the guidelines set by governments and the World Health Organization and adopted very strict measures worldwide to limit the impact of the pandemic on all our people.

In record time we managed to implement a work-from-home strategy with all our employees and adapted our communication systems with suppliers and clients through lockdown, ensuring the continuity of our projects.

On the other hand a remote technical assistance platform was released to facilitate the interaction of personnel on site or workshops with internal experts or vendors’ specialists as well as online training sessions on the use of computer tools.

For the improvement of the approval system we have developed training courses on the new approval and signature flows, defined specific policies in this area and adjusted licensing contracts to cover the expected use increase.

The existence of contingency plans prepared within the framework of ISO27001 and redundant systems, as well as the anticipation plan, which began weeks before the declaration of lockdown, were key actions for a smooth transition.